Before the United States went into remove Saddam we had opposition in Europe. Even though all knew he had murdered so many. The fact is the French put out a "Media Hit" on this nation cheap nike air max womens , over the Iraq war. Then we find out about all the "Oil for Food Scandals."
Of course Liberals will say that this had nothing to do with it, that they really believe that the United States was in the wrong? The problem is that they have adopted a negative view of their own country in some sort of really bizarre belief in the hit pieces, mostly financed by George Soros and even used later by John Kerry who would have said just about anything to get elected including bashing our country's good name and our President? All is fair in politics the armchair political consultants argue? How so I ask? Why is it okay to spin a negative view of the greatest nation in the World, our nation and purport such utter hokum?
If you try to reason with a mass media hysteria brain washed liberal they will attack your character, call you Hitler like cheap nike air max , attack you spelling and even your education. Then they will ask you have you been to France and seen what a great nation it is and they have free healthcare? Well, so what the place is burning down, to hell with healthcare run for your life?
The fact is that one does need an Advanced Political Science Degree to see thru the fog political war played out on their TV sets at home. In fact a degree in political science from a liberal academia institution clouds the issue and Political Science is not a "Real" science, as it more resembles art or the Art of War. Or as they tell us in congress "primate politics." So to all the dear Liberal Ladies, I say to thee that reading is not understanding no matter how thick the textbook. And as far as going to France and talking to French People everyone knows that 85% of everything you hear from a personal conversation is utter hokum and one can only imagine how high that figure is in France nike air max womens ireland , could be 95%. Many real world learned men will advise that you should believe none of what you hear, half of what you read and most of what you SEE! Besides defending the French is ridiculous, as they will not even defend themselves. Want to explain the history of that to our peanut gallery today my dear liberal friends?
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