Defensive spray can be made from three chemicals: OC Franck Ribery Jersey , CN, and CS.
OC (oleoresin capsicum) is an ingredient of pepper spray. Pepper spray works by inducing immediate burning sensation of the skin and a burning, tearing, and swelling of the eyes.
Tear gases (CN and CS) are irritants. They cause profuse tearing Felix Gotze Jersey , an intense burning sensation to the face and disorientation. Tear gas may not work if an attacker is drunk or on drugs.
There are different combinations, sizes and patterns in defensive sprays. For example, Mace Triple Action spray is a combination of OC and CN tear gas. But the majority of defensive sprays on the market are pepper sprays.
Also when buying pepper spray you should consider the size of a unit. The smallest size is 0.5 ounces and the biggest is bear spray which contains 9.2 ounces. Small spray is good enough for most situations. Put it on a keychain or a belt so you can easily access it in an emergency. For home or car use you should purchase larger sprays.
Pepper sprays come in two patterns: stream and fogger. STREAM is designed to release pinpoint accurate shots of the pepper spray on a selected target and can be used indoors or outdoors (especially good in windy conditions). Advantages - pinpoint accuracy, excellent control and less cross contamination. Disadvantages - No inhalation effects Fabian Benko Jersey , and it must be aimed, which may be difficult when under attack. FOGGER is designed to release a large amount of pepper spray at one time, covering a large area, and is best suited for outdoor use. Advantages - the pepper spray is easily inhaled Douglas Costa Jersey , and it covers multiple targets. Disadvantages - the pepper spray is quickly emptied, can be carried by the wind, and can cause cross contamination.
And the most resent Mace innovation you should consider is Pepper Gel. The gel formula sticks to the face of an assailant leaving them temporarily blinded. It sticks to anything, less contaminating David Alaba Jersey , stronger pepper, non-flammable, and even shoots further, up to 18 ft.
An essential step in managing the performance of salespeople is that of establishing a sound and agreed contract between manager and the salesperson. A contract in this context is simply an agreement between the manager and the salesperson as to how best they are going to work together. It is a chance for each party to outline expectations Corentin Tolisso Jersey , hopes and fears and is a superb opportunity for both the manager and salesperson to fully understand each other in terms of personality style, motivators and de-motivators. It is also an opportunity for the manager to ensure that the salesperson fully understands their role and their responsibilities as well as their sales and activity targets.
So, how does contracting work?
Contracting should start right at the beginning of a manager: salesperson relationship. The manager should meet with the salesperson and each person should have aims in respect to the meeting which are along the following lines:
For the Manager:
? To ensure that the salesperson feels welcomed and part of the team.
? To ensure that the salesperson understands their role and responsibilities.
? To ensure that the salesperson knows what the teamcompany rules and regulations are.
? To ensure that the salesperson knows what their sales and activity targets are and how they are going to be measured.
? To outline the manager's expectations of the salesperson in terms of behaviour, attendance Christian Fruchtl Jersey , personal qualities etc.
? To explain what management style the manager has and what motivates the manager and de-motivates them.
? To understand what motivates and de-motivates the salesperson
? To begin to understand the salesperson's personality styles and preferences.
? To agree what support the manager is going to provide in relation to the salesperson's progress and development.
? To agree a communication process.
For the Salesperson:
? To fully understand how the manager likes to operate.
? To understand exactly what the role requirements are in terms of responsibilities, objectives and measures.
? To understand any administration procedures such as e-mail, expenses etc.
? To know a bit more about the team and culture.
? To understand any team rules, responsibilities and meetings dates.
? To address any hopes and fears that they may have.
? To understand how best the manager is going to support the salesperson.
? What does the salesperson do if they need help?
In reality Arturo Vidal Jersey , how many of these aims are actually realised in a first meeting? Chances are that the meeting will be very ?one way? with the manager doing a lot of talking and outlining what is expected of the salesperson both in terms of the company regulations and the salesperson's activity and sales targets. If the manager's approach is very ?one way? then they are missing a tremendous opportunity to get to understand the salesperson's personality, not to mention their strengths and development areas. The chances are also high that the salesperson will sit back and listen as opposed to being pro-active and outlining exactly what they need to know and whatever else is going on in their head!
Our culture is still very based on the hierarchy where a manager tells the salesperson what to do. As a result there is always the danger of not getting the best out of the salesperson by taking this approach. Simply by employing more questions and listening to the answers will reveal not only more about the salesperson in terms of their capabilities and understanding, but will also start to make the salesperson feel valued and as a result, trust and respect will start to build between the salesperson and manager. This is the basis for a productive relationship.